Dr. Heather Smith, Medical Director
Dr. Smith is a 2003 graduate of Washington State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, and she has been practicing small animal medicine in the greater Seattle area since then. The areas of practice she finds most rewarding are preventative medicine/wellness care, dentistry, pain management, and quality of life/end of life care for her patients. She is also a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist and loves how that training allows for treatment options which complement her favorite areas of medicine. Dr. Smith values a “team” approach to veterinary medicine where everyone, including the pet parent, plays an important role. She is proud to be a part of this groundbreaking reimagining of how we deliver pet care in ways that support and honor the human animal bond. Dr. Smith also is also passionate about preserving the mental health and well-being of the veterinary team, so that we can provide our very best to the pets in our care.
Dr. Smith shares her life with her husband Jade, her son Jonah and daughter Nora, as well as their cranky old lady Boston terrier Betty (stay off her lawn!), and their perfectly imperfect Boxer rescue Gil.
When not at work, Dr. Smith enjoys traveling with her family, stand up paddleboarding, watching sporting events and binge watching movies and TV shows with her husband.